E&O Insurance and Professional Liability Products

With IIANC’s variety of professional liability products, you can be assured that your agency is well protected. IIANC members have access to the Big “I” Professional Liability program, a respected and complete program offering a variety of insurance agent’s Errors & Omissions (E&O) products that are hand-selected for their reputation and performance.

With stable rates and a long-term market, the Big “I” Professional Liability program is properly positioned to meet your professional needs and protect the future of your agency. The coverage is sold and administered locally by IIANC’s Insurance Products team who has over 25 years industry experience. You will get the same attention and commitment to service that you give to your clients.

You trust us to represent your interests at the highest political level, and as your association, we also want to offer the security of knowing you are getting insured with the E&O program selected by the Big "I" for their members.

Swiss Re Corporate Solutions America Insurance Corporation E&O Application

Allianz E&O Application

Looking for E&O Insurance for Your Agency?

As an insurance agent, you spend countless hours protecting your customers by taking complex risk management matters out of their hands and attempting to do your best to protect their financial well-being.

The reality is, the gap in knowledge between the insurance consumer and the insurance agent couldn’t be wider. Consumers don’t know what they don’t know about insurance, so they rely on insurance professionals to provide them with accurate advice, and adequate coverage.

As we all know, mistakes and oversights happen, even to the best of us. This is why having a robust Professional Liability (E&O) policy for your insurance agency is critical.

Just like we tell our clients — it only takes one claim to cause significant financial hardship. The same can be said about your insurance agency.

Whether it’s just you as a solo agency owner, or you have a team of employees relying on you, having E&O coverage is something you simply can’t overlook.

Get Started with Your Quote

The team at IIANC is ready to help! Please contact one of our professional liability team members and they will work with you to gather the information needed to provide you with an accurate and timely quote.

Agency Umbrella Protection

IIANC now offers a market for insurance agency umbrella protection to offer excess coverage over top of your E&O coverage. In today’s legal environment, increased limits are needed to protect your business. These unique agency umbrella products will help shield you against the liabilities involved in running your business.

Penn National Commercial Umbrella

The Big “I” and Penn National Insurance have partnered to offer Big “I” members a comprehensive commercial umbrella that includes coverage over E&O policies from a variety of carriers. Program highlights include:
  • Coverage available up to $10 mil for commercial and professional liability and $5 mill for personal exposures of owners and officers. (Higher limits may be available).
  • Offers coverage over an agent/agency’s CGL, Business Owners, Employers Liability and Commercial Auto.
  • Excess limits protection on a following-form basis for E&O in the course of the agent/agency’s business as an insurance professional.
  • Coverage can be written over occurrence or claims-made forms of a variety of primary E&O.
  • Options unique to this program include personal coverage for owners, partners, officers and their families and employment practices liability.

    Penn Umbrella Application

    E&O Risk Management Review Program

    To help IIANC member agents remain competitive, well-organized, and profitable, IIANC and SwissRe in conjunction with The Moberg Group (TMG), offer the Agency E&O Review Program for agencies participating in the E&O insurance program. TMG, specialists in agency operations, management, and business development, conducts the E&O Review Program for agencies referred by IMS. The program focuses on the agency’s operations, identification of potential E&O exposure, and recommendations for specific actions to be performed within a recommended timetable.
  • IMS & SwissRe provide a five year 10% premium credit for completion and compliance with the Review Program.
  • E&O Review credits are in addition to the credits received for participation in the E&O education classes provided by IIANC.
    To schedule a review in your agency, visit www.MobergGroup.com, email info@moberggroup.com or call 828-349-5250.

    Please note completion of any request(s) for information does not constitute the purchase of insurance. No coverage may be added, changed, or bound as a result of submitting a request for information or quotation of insurance. All coverage must be confirmed by the agency in writing subject to an acceptable signed application meeting the underwriting guidelines of the Insurance Company.

    This website provides only a simplified description of coverages and is not a statement of contract. None of the information provided on the website is a guarantee that insurance will be provided or that the agency is obligated to procure insurance for the website visitor. Coverage may not apply in all states. Misstatements or omissions of relevant information can lead to price variation or even declination or rescission of coverage. For complete details of coverages, conditions, limits, and losses not covered, be sure to read the policy, including all endorsements, or prospectus, if applicable. Coverage CANNOT be bound, amended, or altered by leaving a message on, or relying upon, information in this Website or through E-Mail, Voicemail or Text.