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It’s critical to know how your people are going to get things done – in the office or while working from home. Identify your team’s strengths by getting Kolbe A™ Index results for everyone.

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Agency Premier Hiring Package

Stop wasting time: Hire and retain the best & get proven results

Price: $2,995 (one-time payment)

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KOLBE or Clifton Staff Workshop 

Make sure you have the right people in the right seats

Price: $600 (one-time payment) + cost of assessment and travel (if necessary) 

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6 hours: $795 (monthly)


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Top Performing Staff are Tricky...

Dec 7, 2022, 11:33 AM by Lindsay Wallace
Every independent insurance agency wants to be filled with top performers, but keeping those top performers is quite tricky! Setting goals, incentivizing, and motivating your top performers will help you retain them as employees.

We all have ‘em, shining stars employees, top performers, the employee who consistently goes above and beyond and is constantly hitting their goal. In today's hiring market, sometimes it’s scary to have these superstar employees! You want to keep them happy, satisfied, and challenged, so they don’t look for opportunities outside of your agency.  

While this can seem daunting, there are easy steps that you can take as an agency owner to make sure that all your employees are happy. Not only will this help your agency's culture, but it also helps drive your employees to want to work harder and meet their goals.  


Identifying Your Shining Star  

If you don’t already have a top-performing employee identified, don’t sweat! Setting goals that are measurable for your staff allows you to visually see their performance in the data and will keep them motivated to work hard. Some examples of goals you could set for your employees are: 


A CSR’s goals should revolve around:  

  • cross-selling 

  • account rounding 

  • client retention 


A Producer’s goals should revolve around:  

  • Number of accounts written 

  • Revenue  

  • Call-to-appointment ratio  

  • Appointment to proposal ratio  

  • Proposal to buying ratio 

  • Average revenue for accounts  

  • 3–6-month pipeline  

  • Prospecting/ networking activities 


Some of my clients also center their goals around agency work standards like not dropping calls, answering emails and voicemails in a timely manner, and doing things that make them good teammates to your other employees. When setting these goals, keep in mind that your expectations for your top-performing employees should be different than those for someone who just started or has less experience. They should also be relative to their previous year’s benchmarks. 




Now that your top employees have goals to strive for, make it a big deal to meet the goal! One of the easiest ways is public recognition. Send out an all-staff email, make a social post, or give them a shoutout! Another idea is to do something where they are encouraged to celebrate themselves; an extra bonus is a good idea but can often just get put into their savings and not touched. A specific gift card, extra PTO, or a staff outing are great ways to ensure that the reward will go towards celebrating their latest achievement!  


Make sure that your team has a clear understanding of what they get when they achieve their goal, and then follow through on it! Approach it with the mindset that you WANT to give them this reward.  


Challenge & Motivate  


Once your employees have met their goals, it’s time to push ahead and think bigger and better in the future. To keep your top employees engaged you should always be challenging them to be better. The Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina (IIANC) has some great professional programs that you should point them towards like:  


I encourage you to take advantage of these great professional development opportunities for your staff to help push them forward and make your agency better!  


Keeping your top-performing employees happy is not difficult with the right processes in place! Be sure that you have your agency’s plan identified so you can set goals, incentivize, and challenge them! There’s no better way to keep them working for your agency long-term! Let me know if you have any questions on goal setting, setting up an incentive program, or our IIANC programs. Feel free to shoot me an email at or set up a meeting with me! 

Cowritten by Jason Sabo and Lindsay Wallace

All IIANC members are eligible for a free Discovery Session annually to review your agency needs and connect you with resources and benefits that you have access to through your membership. 

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Hear What Past Clients Say:

Jason Sabo provided his time and resources to find us a quality employee. In the past, we have struggled to find the time to find a qualified candidate to join our team. Jason took all of the time-consuming work off of our plate. He helped us with a great job posting, initial interviews, personality assessments and reached out to us once he found a good fit for our agency. I would recommend using Jason and the IIANC for any needs that your agency has.

Cody Allen

Sales and Marketing Director, Allen Insurance Agency

Jason Sabo has been phenomenal in adding another resource to our Granite Insurance team! There were many sales management items that we wanted to be done, such as developing and tracking reports on producer activity levels. Jason came to the table with a recommended format that gives our sales team what they need to assure their success. Thank you, Jason!!!

Cameron Annas

CEO, Granite Insurance

Jason cares about my agency. He celebrates our accomplishments and looks for solutions to our challenges. Jason is always on time for our meetings, full of enthusiasm, and ready to tackle the task at hand. He was hired to find us a new employee, and the candidate we found has been transformational to my agency. I would highly recommend working with Jason.

Daniel Rohrbaugh

President, Raleigh Insurance Group